
a decade

It has been ten years since Mark and I exchanged our vows.

The night of the rehearsal dinner, Mark’s friends took him out to the Sierra Room for cigars and drinks. They asked him, “what do you think Tash is doing right now?” Mark said, “She’s probably half-way to Chicago. I shouldn’t have given her the good car.”

My cold feet with getting married had nothing to do with Mark and me in 1998. It was the subsequent years I was worried about. Would we stay compatible for the long haul?

I needn’t have worried.

I haven’t been married to Mark for a decade. I’ve been married to a series of men who look quite a bit like him, but never quite the same.

Check out the gallery.

This is where we started:just engaged
mt beardmt fumanchumt sun cookiesmt longermt on beachmt parademt in hat

And the man I’m married to now…mt now

Through all our life changes, Mark has remained so dog-gone easy to love, I can’t imagine I ever had cold feet. Now me on the other hand…easy to love? I’m not so sure on that one.

Good thing he had the crappy car.

9 replies on “a decade”

Congratulations! I think Mark’s latest incarnation as one of the Fab Four is particularly nice. And by the way, you’re BOTH easy to love…

You never fail to leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside when I hear you talk about Mark.

Congratulations Mark and Tash!

10 years is a big milestone – congrats to both of you for not just “making it”, but for shining together through all the murkiness of life.

Mark and Tash:

What fun to reminisce and to share with us. I don’t know of any other man who has had so many different looks (coming from someone who has had the same hairstyle for 30 years).
Way to break out of the “mold.”

Congratulations and we love you both!

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